Zenfolio SEO for Photographers: a step-by-step guide



SEO and why it matters
Search engine optimization involves making changes to your website in terms of both structure and content with the aim of having it show up in google (and other search engines) for a given search. Whether you are running a business or just have cool content to share, SEO is important because of the impact it can have on the number of visitors to your site. Even if your site is indexed by google and shows up in a search for, say, "Kalamazoo Wedding Photographer," it may appear on the 10th page--basically a tumbleweed in the wilderness of the internet. SEO done well can move your site up the rankings so that the audience you are targeting actually finds you. 


Zenfolio and SEO
Most of us who choose to host our images at Zenfolio do so because of how simple it makes getting a professional-looking website up and running. But one of the downsides to using a host like Zenfolio is that much of the code underlying our sites cannot be altered by us. In terms of SEO, this means there are some aspects of our websites that can't be fully optimized for google. Zenfolio has come a long way in addressing this issue, granting users increased ability to make these sorts of changes. This guide will go through all of the aspects we do have control over; and I'll also point out a few areas in which, at least in terms of SEO, Zenfolio is still lacking.


On-Site vs. Off-Site SEO
The things we can do to improve the SEO of our website fall under two general categories: 1) On-Site SEO: changes we make to our website, and  2) Off-Site SEO: things we do outside of our website. This guide will look mainly at (1).


Click to the next page to get started.


zenfolio seo for photographers part II


Christopher Steven B. is an Ottawa Wedding Photographer.